CfP: Edited Volume on Female Fighters in Diverse World Regions and Organizations

Fol­gen­den CfP für einen Sam­mel­band über weib­li­che Krie­ger in ver­schie­de­nen Welt­re­gio­nen und Orga­ni­sa­tio­nen möch­ten wir hier gern zur Kennt­nis geben. Bis zum 30. März 2021 könn­te man einen Bei­trag vorschlagen.

Alt­hough the sheer num­ber of women par­ti­ci­pa­ting in com­bat units and armed batt­le all over the world has been ste­adi­ly incre­asing sin­ce World War II, aca­de­mic rese­arch has been hesi­tant to inves­ti­ga­te the mani­fold aspects of this phe­no­me­non until recent­ly. But a deve­lo­p­ment of this dimen­si­on needs much more tho­rough rese­arch by cul­tu­ral and area stu­dies than has been car­ri­ed out to date.

Our aim is to come up with an inno­va­ti­ve and inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry volu­me on women in com­bat units, or other­wi­se actively enga­ged in armed batt­le, in seve­ral world regi­ons, orga­niza­ti­ons, and time peri­ods. The per­spec­ti­ve of the women them­sel­ves is of par­ti­cu­lar importance to us.

While the his­to­ric per­spec­ti­ve informs the work of the edi­tors, a varie­ty of disci­pli­na­ry per­spec­ti­ves such as anthro­po­lo­gy and femi­nist stu­dies will be included in this publi­ca­ti­on. We are see­king fur­ther aut­hors working on any world regi­ons and his­to­ri­cal peri­ods or spe­ci­fic orga­niza­ti­ons. We are spe­ci­fi­cal­ly inte­res­ted in papers on (East-)Africa or Alge­ria, on spe­ci­fic orga­niza­ti­ons and acti­vi­ties, e.g. anti-nazi, (pro-communist) revo­lu­tio­na­ry, women in the IRA or RAF (Red Army Fac­tion), and on women in com­bat units of legal­ly reco­gni­zed orga­niza­ti­ons such as NATO or natio­nal defen­se forces.

Due to the pan­de­mic situa­ti­on and our expe­ri­ence with the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of an edi­ted volu­me, we have opted for a dif­fe­rent path that goes bey­ond a basic call for papers. We are going to have a small num­ber of online-meetings during the coming months, tog­e­ther with the edi­tors, the aut­hors, and some inte­res­ted col­le­agues. Each mee­ting will focus on a par­ti­cu­lar ques­ti­on or theo­re­ti­cal approach rele­vant to our artic­les. By means of the­se mee­tings, we hope to crea­te an inner cohe­si­on of the volu­me, a con­nec­ted­ness of the artic­les wit­hout limi­ting the indi­vi­du­al approach of each author.

That means also that we expect the aut­hors to join our mee­tings (which will be neither too num­e­rous nor too long and arran­ged in accordance with the calen­dars of the par­ti­ci­pan­ts). This mutu­al exch­an­ge will allow all par­ti­ci­pan­ts to intro­du­ce their own per­spec­ti­ves into the over­all pro­ject and to beco­me part of an extre­me­ly com­mit­ted and sup­port­i­ve network.

Publi­ca­ti­on lan­guage is English.

Plea­se send your clear and con­cise abs­tract, tog­e­ther with a short CV, no later than March 30, 2021.

We will ask for the first drafts at the end of August 2021. We want to publish a volu­me with fresh per­spec­ti­ves on a time­ly topic. Howe­ver, we don’t want to lose an intri­guing paper becau­se of this ambi­tious work­flow. So, the dead­line for each paper is also a mat­ter of mutu­al arrangement.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Béa­tri­ce Hendrich
Junior-Professur für tür­ki­sche Spra­che und Kul­tur Ori­en­ta­li­sches Semi­nar der UzK
Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D‑50923 Köln
Tele­fon: +49–221-470‑7435

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